Printed and media publications
Nousiainen, P. Man-made biobased fibre products, 78 review articles, Editor in chief, Chapters 1-6 total reviews 106 articles, Finnish Forest Products Engineer´s Association, November 2018 – June 2021. Issued in 2021 as www.forestbiofacts.fi
Nousiainen, P. Directive definition of plastics and chemical processing. Clarifying definitions of single used plastics: present definition including regenerated cellulose fibres as plastics to be made more appropriate, Stakeholder Group meeting, Directive (EU) 2019/904 (SUP Directive), March 23th, Brussels, Belgium.
Nousiainen, P., & Rissanen, M. (2020). Tekstiilikuidut – tekniset ja älykkäät tekstiilit. AMK-Kustannus Oy, Tammertekniikka, 277 pp. ISBN 978-952-7394-00-7
Nousiainen, Enzyme-based direct dissolving Biocelsol process, Man-made cellulose fibersBio2Future, Aalto University, Otaniemi, August 19-23, 2019
International conference presentations 2010-2020
Pertti Nousiainen, Marja Rissanen, Anne Michud, Herbert Sixta, Michael Hummel and Harri Setälä, New routes from cellulose to textile fiber and ready products, IFATCC XXIV International Congress, Czech Republic Pardubice June 13-16, 2016.
Pertti Nousiainen, Marja Rissanen, Anne Michud, Herbert Sixta, Michael Hummel and Harri Setälä, New routes from cellulose to textile fiber and ready products, 15th AUTEX World Textile Conference 2015 June10-12, 2015, Bucharest, Romania.
Nousiainen, P. Bioactive materials in medical textiles – technologies and market perspectives Pertti Nousiainen, Professor, Department of Materials Science Finland. MedTex2015 Conference, May12-13, Lodz Poland
Pertti Nousiainen and Tommy Salomaa, Innovative Finnish wound healing products, Tampere Hervanta Rotary Club 19.9.2015
Nousiainen, Suomen Tekstiiliteknillinen Liitto STTL r.y. 1936-2016: 80 vuotta tekstiilitekniikan osaamisen järjestötoimintaa. Tamperen Hervanta Rotary Club, March 13., 2016
P. Nousiainen, Liukosellut, johdannaiset ja käyttösovellukset, Pulp 2015:Sellu- ja kuitutuotteet 25.03.2015. Innopoli 2, Espoo Finland
Veittola P. Nousiainen R. Moilanen Effect of surfactants on zeta potential and static electricity of viscose fibres, Progr Colloid Polym Sci (1997) 105:72-74, Steinkopff Verlag 1997
Pertti Nousiainen , Specialization as the key success factor for Northern European textile industry, Prof. Emer Department of materials science Tampere University of Technology, GERDT-Thessaloniki, Greece, 21.6.2015
Pertti Nousiainen, Specialization as the key success factor for Northern European textile industry, Prof. Emer. Department of materials science Tampere University of Technology, Textiles for today and tomorrow, Tampere June 10th 2015
Nousiainen, Suomen Tekstiiliteknillinen Liitto 75 vuotta, TAMK 15.4.2011.
Professor Nousiainen has various publications and patents
- 35 refereed journal articles
- 103 papers in conference proceedings and books
- 136 papers in technology journals
- 22 patents
- More than 10 media interviews as an expert
Scientific Publications 2005-2010 |
1 | Rissanen, M., Puolakka, A., Hukka, T., Ellä, V., Kellomäki, M. & Nousiainen, P. 2009. Effect of hot drawing on properties of wet-spunpoly(L,D-lactide) copolymer multifilament fibers. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 115 pp. 608-615. |
2 | Rissanen, M., Puolakka, A., Hukka, T., Ellä, V., Nousiainen, P. &Kellomäki, M. 2009. Effect of process parameters on properties of wet-spun Poly(L,D-lactide) copolymer multifilament fibers. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 113 4, pp. 2683-2692. |
3 | Rissanen, M., Puolakka, A., Nousiainen, P., Kellomäki, M. & Ellä, V. 2008. Solubility and phase separation of poly-L,D-lactide copolymers. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 110 4, pp. 2399-2404. |
4 | Vehviläinen, M., Kamppuri, T., Rom, M., Janicki, J., Ciechanska, D.,Grönqvist, S., Siika-aho, M., Elg Christoffersson, K. & Nousiainen, P. 2008. Effect of wet spinning parameters on the properties of novel cellulosic fibres. Cellulose 10 p. |
5 | Rissanen, M., Puolakka, A., Ahola, N., Tonry, A., Rochev, Y., Kellomäki, M. & Nousiainen, P. 2010. Effect of protein-loading on properties of wet-spun poly(L,D-lactide) multifilament fibers. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 116 4, pp. 2174-2180. |
6 | Rissanen, M., Puolakka, A., Hukka, T., Ellä, V., Kellomäki, M. & Nousiainen, P. 2010. Effect of hot drawing on properties of wet-spun poly(L,D-lactide) copolymer multifilament fibers. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 115 1, pp. 608-615. |
7 | Rissanen, M., Puolakka, A., Hukka, T., Ellä, V., Kellomäki, M. & Nousiainen, P. 2009. Effect of hot drawing on properties of wet-spun poly(L,D-lactide) copolymer multifilament fibers. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 115 pp. 608-615. |
8 | Rissanen, M., Puolakka, A., Hukka, T., Ellä, V., Nousiainen, P. & Kellomäki, M. 2009. Effect of process parameters on properties of wet-spun Poly(L,D-lactide) copolymer multifilament fibers. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 113 4, pp. 2683-2692. |
9 | Rissanen, M., Puolakka, A., Nousiainen, P., Kellomäki, M. & Ellä, V. 2008. Solubility and phase separation of poly-L,D-lactide copolymers. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 110 4, pp. 2399-2404. |
10 | Vehviläinen, M., Kamppuri, T., Rom, M., Janicki, J., Ciechanska, D., Grönqvist, S., Siika-aho, M., Elg Christoffersson, K. & Nousiainen, P. 2008 . Effect of wet spinning parameters on the properties of novel cellulosic fibres. Cellulose 10 p. |
11 | Ciechanska, D. & Nousiainen, P. 2005. Cellulosic fibres and fabric processing. In:Blackburn, R.S. (ed.). Biodegradable and sustainable fibres pp. 111-156. |
International conference presentations 2005-2010 |
1 | Nousiainen, P. 2010. Challenges of the technology and business of moderntextiles. Finatex, Teva-ala älykkäästi menestykseen –seminaari. |
2 | Nousiainen, P. & Vehviläinen, M. 2010. Novel approach of biorefinery for wood based cellulose fibres and polymer products. AUTEX 2010 World Textile Conference 21-23 June 2010 Vilnius, Lithuania 13 p. |
3 | Nousiainen, P. & Vilhunen, P. 2010. Research and development priorities of Textiles for Finnish National Defence. NATO Advanced Study Institute. Defense related intelligent textiles and clothing for ballistic and NBC (nuclear, biological, chemical) protection. 6-16 April 2010, Split, Croatia pp. 23-24. |
4 | Rissanen, M., Puolakka, A., Mariani, C., Deichmann, T. & Nousiainen, P., 2010, Fibrous scaffolds for cardiovascular tissue engineering made from solution-spun P(L/DL)LA 70/30. 23rd European Conference on Biomaterials, Tampere, Finland, September 11-15, 2010 1 p. |
5 | Nousiainen, P., Hermawan, E. & Vehviläinen, M. 2009. Stabilization of cellulose particles from aqueous alkaline polymer solution. EPNOE 2009, Polysaccharide as a Source of Advanced Materials, September 21-24, 2009 Turku/Åbo,Finland 1 p. |
6 | Nousiainen, P., Puolakka, A., Rissanen, M. & Mariani, C. 2009. Electrospinning of P(L/DL)LA 70/30 nanofibres for tissue engineering of heart valves. Nanotech Europe 2009 Nanotechnology Conference and Exhibition, 28-30 September 2009, Berlin, Germany |
7 | Nousiainen, P. & Vehviläinen, M. 2009. Biocelsol – Biotechnological process for manufacturing cellulosic products with added value. 48th Dornbirn Man-Made Fibers Congress, Austria 16-18 September 2009 11 p. |
8 | Rissanen, M., Puolakka, A., Mariani, C., Deichmann, T., Schmidt, D. & Nousiainen, P. 2009. Composite scaffolds for cardiovascular tissue engigeering made from solution spun polylactide. In: Kadoglu, H. et al. (eds.). AUTEX 2009 Proceedings of the 9th Autex Conference, Izmir, Turkey, May 26-28, 2009 pp. 188-193. |
9 | Vehviläinen, M., Kamppuri, T., Nousiainen, P., Kallioinen, A., Siika-aho, M. Christoffersson, K., Rom, M. & Janicki, J. 2009. Effect of acid and enzymatic treatments of TCF dissolving pulp on the properties of wet spun cellulosic fibres. In: Kuokka-Ihalainen, A. (ed.). NWBC-2009 The 2nd Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference, Helsinki, Finland, September 2-4, 2009 pp. 203-207. |
10 | Peltola, T., Ääritalo, V., Haltia, A.M., Vehviläinen, M., Areva, S., Nousiainen, P., Jokinen, M. & Yli-Urpo, A. 2007. Manufacture and properties of silica fibres for hard tissue engineering. 2007 International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials & Annual Meeting of ”111 Project” Abstracts & Program Book, Donghua University Shanghai, P.R. China 20th May-2nd June 2007 pp. 34-35. |
11 | Rissanen, M., Puolakka, A. & Nousiainen, P. 2007. Wet spinning of poly-L-DL lactide copolymers. In: Salonen, R. et al. (ed. by). Proceedings of Autex 2007, From Emerging Innovations to Global Business, 7th Annual Textile Conference by Autex, 26-28 June 2007, Tampere Finland 6 p. |
12 | Mariani, C., Sipilä, A., Nousiainen, P. & Harlin, A. 2006. Electrospinning of PL(D,L)A Nanofibres for Tissue Engineering Sturctures. FiberMed06, Fibrous Products in Medical and Health Care, June 7-9, 2006 Tampere Hall, Finland 1 p. |
13 | Nousiainen, P. 2006. Le Challenge de I’Industire des Fibres. Lorexpo, Le Nouveau Territoire de l’Innovation, 9-10 Novembre, 2006, Metz-Congres, France |
14 | Rissanen, M., Puolakka, A. & Nousiainen, P. 2006. Bioresorbable PDLLA-fibres by the wet spinning method. III Tissue Engineering Symposium 3-5.2006 Tampere s. 28. |
15 | Rissanen, M., Puolakka, A. & Nousiainen, P. 2006. Solvent-nonsolvent system of poly-L-,DL-lactide. FiberMed06, Fibrous Products in Medical and Health Care, June7-9,2006 Tampere Hall, Finland |
16 | Rissanen, M., Puolakka, A. & Nousiainen, P. 2006. Welt spinning of poly-l,dl-lactide96/4 multifilament fibres. In: Salonen, R. (ed.).FiberMed06, Fibrous Products in Medical and Health Care, Proceedings, June7-9, 2006 Tampere Hall, Finland 7 p. |
17 | Vehviläinen, M. & Nousiainen, P. 2006. Regenerated cellulose fibres by solvent-free enzymatic method. AUTEX 2006 NC State University, June 11-14, 2006 8 p. |
Patents and Applications |
1 | Rochev, Y., Smith, T., Barron, V., Tonry, A., Nousiainen, P., Puolakka, A. & Rissanen, M. 2010. A method in spinning. US Pat. Appl. 2010/0007059 A1 5 p. |
2 | Vehviläinen, T., Nousiainen, P., Kamppuri, T., Järventausta, M. & Hakola, U. 2009. A method for dissolving cellulose and a cellulosic product obtained from a solution comprising dissolved cellulose. Pat. Appl. WO 2009/135875 A1 11 p. |
3 | Lasenko, I. & Nousiainen, P. 2006. A curative compressive article. Pat. Appl. LV13278 |
4 | Nousiainen, P., Pyykkö, I. & Ivanova, L. 2006. Textile article for therapeutic use. WO 2006/088342 A1 36 p. |
5 | Lasenko, I. & Nousiainen, P. 2005. Izgudrojuma Formula. LV 13278 B 3 p. |
6 | WIPO Patent Application WO/2011/004301, process for treating cellulosic fibres |
7 | WIPO Patent Application WO/2011/004300, process for treating cellulosic fibres |
8 | WIPO Patent Application WO/2011/004284, process for producing microfibrillated cellulose |
9 | European Patent Application EP2116557 method for dissolving cellulose |
10 | WO/2006/088342A1 The textile products are used in surgery, dermatology and hygiene |
11 | United States Patent 6738265, A fiber mesh net is insert molded into an interior cavity of a cover structure of a portable electronic device such as a cellular or radio telephone to provide EMI shielding. |
12 | Japanese Patent JP2002057482, A fiber mesh net is insert molded into an interior cavity of a cover structure of a portable electronic device such as a cellular or radio telephone to provide EMI shielding |
13 | EP1148774A1 Emi shielding for portable electronic devices |
14 | European Patent EP0591202, Method for manufacturing activated carbon from cellulosic material |
15 | United States Patent 5622666, Modified viscose fibres comprise regenerated cellulose and contain in their structure microcrystalline chitosan |
16 | WIPO Patent Application WO/1988/001316 The modified fibrous products, especially fabrics, nonwovens, knitwears, leathers and the like, comprise chitosan after treatment by chitosan a |
17 | WO/1982/004059A1 The blend of chemical compounds |
Latest Articles and Presentations for Common Publicity of Science |
1 | Nousiainen, P. 2009. Kuitu- ja tekstiililtekniikan tutkimus TTY:ssä. Tekstiililehti 5, s.8-9. |
2 | Nousiainen, P., Puolakka, A., Rissanen, M. & Mariani, C. 2009. P(L/DL)LA 70/30. Nanokuitujen sähkökehruu sydänläpän kudosten valmistamiseen. Tekstiililehti 6/09, s. 16. |
3 | Nousiainen, P. 2008. Hajut välittävät viestejä ja ratkaisevat rikoksia. Heureka 28.9.2008 Hajujen kemiaa – tapahtuma. |
4 | Nousiainen, P. 2008. Kuitu- ja tekstiiliteknologian opetus ja tutkimus TTY:ssä. Tekstiililehti 6/08, s. 8-10. |
5 | Nousiainen, P., Pyykkö, I. 2007. Tuoksutko vai haisetko? Hajut välittävät viestejä. Kemian Päivät – Kemidagarna, Finnish Chemical Congress, 27-29.3.2007, Helsinki. Abstraktit s. 40-41. |
6 | Rissanen, M., Puolakka, A., Mariani, C. & Nousiainen, P. 2007. PLA-kuidusta verisuonia ja sydänläppiä. Tekstiililehti 2, s. 14. |
7 | Nousiainen, P. 2006. Selluloosasta arvokkaampia tuotteita. Tekstiililehti 1 , s. 19. |
8 | Nousiainen, P. & Heinola, J. 2006. Tekstiilitekniikan ylemmän koulutuksen tehostaminen Suomessa. Tekstiililehti 4, s. 22-24. |